Welcome to the Lakeshore Baseball Association newsletter web edition. The 2023 season is just around the corner and we can't be more excited to get started. Be on the lookout for updates, news and where and when to register.
We got lots of great things in store this season including some surprises so stay tuned and sign up. See you soon Lakeshore!!!
Spring Clinics and Summer Development Programs
Here at Lakeshore it is our ongoing mission to provide programs that further develop our players and provide opportunities for them to improve their skills throughout the off season. Specifically this fall and winter, in collaboration with Propect Baseball and coach Fred Majeur, we created a program that is both fun and instructional so that our players could prep for their upcoming programs for the season.
Hitting Clinics Pitching Clinics Defense Clinics
It is a chance for some of our players to stay sharp!
In the fall session, each participant received a gift certificate at Cineplex Odeon theatres as a thank you for their participation. Stay tuned as there are more surprises to come!
These programs and many more will continue to be made available throughout our season so players can continue to leverage them as they become available. In the meantime register now for our upcoming winter camp starting Janurary 21st.
Again this summer the registration numbers for girls in Lakeshore were really good.We had girls that never played before, some who played in the mix league or Softball before, and of course our returning players from the previous years.
Lakeshore hosted 3 girls teams, 2 of them in the U9 B LFBQ league and 1 in the U11 B LFBQ league.
At the U9 level with a lot of new baseball players, coaches Melissa McDonnell and Kelly Keays did an awesome job teaching them. Both teams participated in the LFBQ playoffs and some of these girls were also part of an All-Star U9 LSL team who won the Championship!
At the U11 level coach Domenic Tapin had a great season finishing in first place with only 4 losses. Coach Dominic Tapin stated "To me they did that well because the commitment for practices was really good."
We would like to thank Coach Domenic Tapin for his commitment and dedication in assuming the role of Director of Girls Baseball over the past few seasons.Domenic will be stepping down from his position and will hand the reins over to Coach and current board member Melissa McDonnell. Melissa has spent several seasons heavily involved in more than one capacity managing Lakeshore Baseball operations and is considered a valued member of the team.
We hope to see girls baseball grow even more for 2023 so stay tuned for further details and visit our website regularly on registering your daughter!
Lakeshore Baseball will be welcoming teams to our annual Midget "A" baseball tournament again this year. The tournament is scheduled to take place in late July or Early Augustand is a great chance for you and your family to come out and take in a great game game of high quality baseball. Come and support your local team in their quest for the 2023 Championship. Hosted at our fields located in Kirkland and Beaconsfield, this competitive tournament attracts talented teams from both Quebec and Ontario, awarding the champion and runner up an official tournament pennant. Players will each receive a swag bag upon check in and a refreshment stand is planned.
Stay tuned and visit our web site for further details!
Every player, parent and/or family member can look extra sharp this year in new Lakeshore swag now available on our online store. Wear your colors proudly and choose from an assortment of different styles and designs now available in our 2023 collection.
From T's to hoodies that include designs from our team collection, we have a wide arrange of apparel that will leave you looking as good as the players both on and off the field.
Create and account and start your shopping online now. Go Lakeshore!!